
Khashayar Tashtzar

Contacts :

[email protected]
[email protected]
Cell Phone: (+98)9123188329
WhatsApp: Khashayar
Telegram: KhZar

Work Experience :

  • Appointed (Certified) Actuary at Asia Insurance Co.
  • Appointed (Certified) Actuary at Pasargad Insurance Co.
  • Appointed (Certified) Actuary Actuary at Saman Insurance Co.
  • Appointed (Certified) Actuary Actuary at Karafarin Insurance Co.
  • Appointed (Certified) Actuary at Moallem Insurance Co.
  • Appointed (Certified) at Mihan Insurance Co.
  • Consultant Actuary at Fanavaran(Certified Information Technologists) Software Co.
  • Head of Life Claim Management at Saman Insurance Co.
  • Actuary at Moallem Insurance Co.


Fatemeh Sadat Alehosseini

Contacts :

Email: [email protected]

Work Experience :

  • Life Actuary & Risk Supervisor Karafarin Insurance Co.
  • Life Appointed Actuary Novin Insurance Co
  • Life Actuary and the Chief of Risk Karafarin Insurance Co
  • Life Actuary and the Deputy of Risk Karafarin Insurance Co
  • Life Actuary Karafarin Insurance Co
  • Expert of the Life Insurance Technical Calculations Karafarin Insurance Co
  • Statistics Expert Deputy of Statistics and Information Technology of Tehran Justice Ministry
  • Expert of life insurance technical calculations
    Karafarin Insurance Co